Thursday, July 17, 2008

update tres

This is the second time i´ve lost a huge email. Just spent 25 minutes on it! SAO ANGRY So i´m starting it over again. plus, it won´t let me send pictures this time, so imagine.

Mom, please be sure to bring my comp to tahoe plus all the cords and such.
sorry i haven´t responded to your questions and such, this is the first time i thought to read the responses before writing my email. also, some of you can´t see the photos if i send them. sorry

so i did the health project yesterday. it was todally wrong about what we were doing. we went into a town in the mountains and set up a medical camp. i was on the dental team - me and a dentist. my job consisted of cleaning the bloody tools and hold down the patient´s head when he went to pull teeth. fun right. well because we set up shop next to a window i was watching my friends play duck duck goose, and all sorts of fun games with the town´s children or just sitting in the shade. i was very jealous. then, maybe 30 min before we were going to leave, the dentist asked me if i wanted to pull a tooth. i thought for a second about how i had virtually done the hole process except the pulling, how much worse could it be... well, a bunch is the answer. bluntly, i pulled the bigest tooth í´ve ever seen! the squimish shouldn´t look at the picture. some of you might say, why wuould you ever do that. and the only way i can explain it is, when in your life are you going to get to pull a tooth? it made me sick, i´ll never do it again, i felt like the biggest dick for possibly causing this lady extra unnecessary pain, but i did it!

today we did the stove building project, and that was cool too. we had to get down and really dirty. it was fun though. and we actually built this family a stove that wont put off fumes into their bedroom. it was messy as heck, but we did it. not really much story so much as just we built a stove out of mud, and bricks.

sorry mom, i know how you hate unecused absences, but i´m skipping class (or maybe just being way late) on wednesday morning. i´m going to what has twice been described to be as ¨the most amazing sunrise of your life¨. the city is 3 or 4 hours away but we´re going (well, not yet, i have to figure out how to get there during the night before and then have the bus turn around the moment the sunrise is over so as to miss as little class as possible. needless to say its going to be a miserable trip - the busses aren´t top quality by anymeans. in fact one of the kids thats been here a month said it was the coldest experiance of her life... but hey, i never get cold, so i´ll be fine in shorts ;) kidding mom, i´ll wear pants.) however, it should be worth it. apparently you drive up way higher than the 11,000 ft cusco to a mountain where you´re actually way above the clouds. so the sun is going to rise out of the clouds and other mountains and then bounce off the top of the clouds back up at us. or so they say. hopefully there are clouds that day. anyways, i´m going for sure, i´m trying to convince anyone else to come. but its not vital, cause i´m definately going.

i think i forgot to sign my last email, hoefully you knew who i was. i got to go,
love and miss you,

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