Monday, July 21, 2008

update 5: halfway

hey guys,

pisaq, saqsaywaman, boys

i´m at the halfway point! now school gets tough. lame. í have an 8 page paper due the 30th (or a 15 minute presentation alternative due thursday). its a big big big pain in the butt cause i´d much rather be just learning about stuff than researching and WRITING IN SPANISH. plus the library here is a terrible system. you have to give the book numbers to the lady and she brings you back the book. and if its wrong, you have to do it again. and shes mean, so you try as hard as you possibly can to make the first one work. ick!

on friday we had a free day and i was planning to go shopping but for the life of me i couldn´t convince a group of girls to go! unbelievable but true. its pretty much exactly how the group works. i follow the group as best i can and as soon as i open my mouth to complain or suggest i get a ¨jeez darren, why don´t you ever just go with the flow¨ if we were boys, i´ll bite somebody´s head off, or hit somebody´s head off. but these are my only friends (cept diego who i feel i can´t just invade his lifce all the time) so i have to suck it up. i dream of ONE day before i leave of getting to make all the groups decisions and not hearing a word of complaint from any of them. but they´re girls and i´m the minority so i fear thats never going to be.

on saturday we went to this place i can´t spell or say and also to saqsaywaman (often pronounced even by the locals as sexywoman!) both were cool, big ruins and such. this is the veiw of cusco from saqsaywaman. they also had slides, smoothed rocks by the years when all of the cusco valley was a big lake way way back when.

on sunday we went to pisaq, another big ruins. we went with the group of NGO´s from Urubamba meaning i got to see my friend from the airport. this also meant that there were boys. o my gosh how i missed boys. imeasurably! they´re not overreactive, they don´t care about every little thing. oh, and this is a photo on the way to pisaq. anyways, at pisaq we went for an hour or two hike at pisaq which i expected would kill us since the´res something like 30% less oxygen which i don´t fully believe, but its CERTAINLY lots less than at home, but somehow we made it pretty ok.

today in class we had a test, and i guess i did pretty well. second semester senior year should be effecting me here too since none of this counts toward a grade, but for some stupid reason i´m working hard. dangit parents, i blame you for my work ethic. for example, this big paper\presentation thing, i´m staying through lunch tomorrow to work my butt off on it.

anyways, i guess life is good, i´m at that lull inbetween the super excited begining and not wanting to leave. i´ll keep you updated.

Love you, Darren

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